I’m guessing if you are reading this blog you are interested in growth.  You probably are part of our community because like me you enjoy learning and you enjoy the process of empowering yourself through knowledge and understanding.  You enjoy learning techniques that help you feel better in your body and in your life. Have […]

I wish a had a dollar for every time a client says to me…”you know you were in my head the other day ago!” I love hearing stories from clients about how they were going about their life and suddenly they heard my words in their head encouraging them to do things like pay attention […]

From Sidney: My husband and I are active retired people who prefer outdoor activities like hiking, biking and golf. With gentle suggestions from the massage therapist at River City Pilates and enthusiastic encouragement from my younger sister, about 2 years ago we decided to try Pilates to help improve our overall fitness, reduce aching muscles […]