Check out this short video and learn why Yoga instructor Nicole Morford has added Pilates into her mind body workouts and how it has positively impacted her Yoga practice! The Pilates method of exercise is similiar to Yoga in the sense that both exercise methods focus on strength, balance and control. They are different enough […]

Inspiration of the Month: Serena Stier (72 years old) February 2012 When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?   In 2007, my sister in Washington D.C. treated me to a few sessions with her Pilates trainer.  After having done weight training off and on for some eight years with a coach and […]

Inspiration of the Month Missy Arey July 2013 When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?   I started in Spring 2012. I had back surgery while in high school to correct scoliosis and although I don’t have back problems, I do understand the importance of a strong core. My parents are […]