Pilates Inspiration Denise


When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I started Pilates in June of 2013.  Katie Wera, the Cancer Care Coordinator from Mercy Hospital in Iowa City was my inspiration.  Ms. Wera is a dedicated and hard working cancer care coordinator who is truly concerned about her patients.

Soon after my bi-lateral mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments to treat breast cancer, I hired a personal trainer to help me regain strength, flexibility, and the full range of motion in my arms and shoulders.  My trainer’s main focus was on my weight.

After working with the trainer for one year I was getting discouraged because I was recovering from my third injury from working out with her.  In addition, my range of motion, strength, and flexibility was not improving significantly despite working out three to five times a week with her.

Katie suggested that I try Pink Ribbon Pilates at Rivercity Pilates in North Liberty, Iowa.

What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice?

My flexibility and range of motion are back to normal.  My strength is almost back to normal and I have lost 35 pounds.  In addition, my coordination, balance, core strength, and self-esteem have improved.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

My favorite thing about Pink Ribbon Pilates is… I look forward to going.  Additionally, Pink Ribbon Pilates is geared specifically for recovering Breast Cancer patients.

Carey is very knowledgeable about what is safe and appropriate for her recovering cancer patients to do.  Carey is also enthusiastic and motivating. She has the ability to give me the confidence to try any exercise.  As soon as I can easily do an exercise she challenges me by making it harder in an effort to improve my strength, flexibility, range of motion, and balance.

What would you say to a cancer survivor who is thinking about doing Pilates?

I would highly recommend Pink Ribbon Pilates, at Rivercity Pilates.  Carey has helped me empower my new body and inspired my life.


Learn more about our Pink Ribbon program for breast cancer survivors by clicking here!

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