When you think about what it takes to become a Pilates teacher what’s the first thing that pops into your head?  Did you immediately think that the person has to be fit, strong, and able to do the exercises really well?  If you answered yes…you are wrong.   Fit, strong and able to do the […]

May is National Osteoporosis Month and I’m excited about our #LiveBetter workshop on Sunday called “Exercising for Strong Bones.”    As I have been researching and put together the content for the workshop, I have to admit, I’m taking strong healthy bones much more seriously.          This is the sentence that I keep seeing in […]

Did you know that we reach peak bone mass between 25 and 30 and then slowly begin to start losing bone mass at age 40? For women, reduced levels of estrogen after menopause can accelerate this bone density loss. In this month’s Live Better workshop we are going to be talking about how you can use […]