Why every Fitness Instructor should study Pilates!

pilates2When I started my Pilates journey I was a certified personal trainer who had just discovered that I really loved being part of peoples’ health and fitness journey. Very early in my fitness career I found myself feeling like I didn’t know enough. I found myself hungry to learn more about movement and how the body worked so I could help educate others on how to use movement as a tool in their health care system. When I stumbled upon Pilates I was introduced to an amazing world of educated instructors who inspired me, who taught me Pilates exercises and most importantly taught me the fundamental concepts of movement and how to start using those fundamentals to create efficient movement and balance in my body (and eventually my clients bodies).

I realize that not all fitness instructors want to teach Pilates but I truly believe that if fitness instructors would take some time to study Pilates in their own body and learn just some of the basic movement concepts we teach in Pilates they would find themselves having a whole new toolbox to teach whatever type of movement or class that they teach. That toolbox of being able to teach safe, effective movement would create less injuries, more retention( ie clients sticking with it!) and overall happier clients.

Just as an example here are a couple of fundamental Pilates concepts and some insight into how incorporating these into a body can affect just about any type of movement:

  • Core Engagement : Learning how to properly engage your deep abdominal muscles (transverse abdominus) and how to initiate body movement from this engagement is a skill that so many people have not been taught to do. Even if they’ve read about it or think they know how to do it…if they haven’t practiced it on a regular basis while doing a variety of movements they are probably not doing it!   So many people think if they do a typical “ab” exercise like a crunch or a sit up enough times that will strengthen their core…. this is usually not the case. As a movement instructor just being able to teach and cue your clients on how to find this engagement can completely transform how they move and how their body feels!!
  • Body Alignment: Our bodies are so amazing and are designed to work most efficiently when in alignment. Our bones when in alignment are designed to give us a support system that allows our muscles to work in a balanced, efficient way. Unfortunately, most of us fall into poor posture and poor alignment patterns and we often don’t even realize it. And even when we realize it we don’t know how to bring ourselves into alignment and what it should feel like. Having a fitness instructor who can gives you cues on how to bring yourself into alignment and how to move in alignment will help create balance in your body, prevent injuries and help you get the most out of every exercise and movement you do.

art-pilatesBeing able to teach movement and incorporate teaching skills like proper core engagement and body alignment is not necessarily an easy thing to do. As an instructor it takes not only knowing the concepts but also knowing how to use your words and your physical cues to best guide your clients. And just like it takes practice to learn how to do those skills in your body -it takes practice as an instructor to learn how to incorporate that teaching into every workout or session you are instructing.

If you are a fitness instructor who is looking to learn more I would love to hear from you. As a Pilates teaching studio we offer lots of options designed to help teachers at all levels and experience expand their movement knowledge. I believe in the power of mindful, educated movement and want to help as many people as possible spread that amazingness with others!!!!

Check out our Pilates Teacher Training page here or contact us today to schedule a complimentary session today!

Why it’s important to fill out your health intake completely…

healthhistoryIf you’re new to Pilates you might find it a little strange that on your first visit to the studio we ask you to fill out a health intake form.  After all, you are just going to work out right?  Why do we need to know about your health ailments, surgeries, illnesses or past injuries? It’s not a doctor visit!!   Well, Pilates is a little bit different from traditional exercise and your health history and your current physical health highly effect how your instructor teaches you the Pilates Method.

As Pilates instructors we are trained to teach the Pilates method to the body in front of us.  What this means to you as a client is that every movement we teach you is taught in a way that is appropriate for your body.  When you fill out your health intake form completely it gives your instructor a great starting place to teach you from.Here’s a few things that people often forget to write down:

  • Old injuries (even those that happened as a child) can effect how your body moves and your movement patterns.  Old injuries that don’t bother you at all may seem silly to list, but as a movement instructor that information can help us decipher movement patterns we are seeing in your body and help us find the best way to help you improve your movement.
  • Occasional aches and pains can tell us a lot.  Don’t feel bad about telling us your low back occasionally hurts when you’ve been sitting for long periods of time or that knee you injured in college bothers you when you take a step in a certain way.  The Pilates method of exercise is designed to create balance in your body and telling us about those occasional aches and pains can help us figure out things like what muscles we need to strengthen, what muscles may need more flexibility and also what kind of movement tips we could give you to use when you are not at the studio.
  • Past surgeries even if they were a long time ago can effect your movements patterns and your muscles.  Depending on the type of surgery, incisions that were made, and what procedure was done this information can give your instructor a lot of information.

We know that for most people telling your fitness instructor your health history is not the normal and really just want you to know why we ask!  We also want you to know that the information is completely confidential and only used by our instructors to help tailor your movement practices to your body.

Practice What You Teach: Hip Hop Pilates & a Proud Mom moment!

IMG_8208My absolute favorite movement experience this week was taking Duane Lee Holland’s Hip Hop Groove class with my 7 year old daughter Aubri.  Like most 7 year olds Aubri loves to dance, do cartwheels and handstands, jump on the trampoline and do just about anything where she is active.  When we’re home she will spend hours listening to music, creating her own choreography or “shows” as she calls them and of course performing them for my husband and me.  Many days the two of us just put on music and dance and often she coaches me and teaches me a dance.  To me, this is how movement should be – creative and fun!

I have to admit that even though I love to move like this at home in the privacy of our house, I’m usually the last person you would find doing something like dancing (especially hip hop dancing) in any sort of public location! Somewhere in my life I started believing that dancing wasn’t really my thing and that I was way too uncoordinated to dance (especially in public, in front of people who might think the same thing). So for many years I’ve avoided it! Which really has made me feel like a little bit of a hypocrite. I mean I have a whole life and business built around teaching people to empower their body through movement and I was nervous and avoiding dancing in public because of what I might think others thought when they saw my dance moves!

This leads to one of the wonderful things about having children- they teach you a lot about yourself.  I really believe in leading by example and so in my heart of hearts I knew that I wanted be a good example for my daughter of loving yourself, being willing to try new things and being willing to get outside your comfort zone. So last week I put myself out there and tried Hip Hop Groove Class with Duane…and it was super fun, a great workout and no one laughed or made fun of my dancing abilities(at least in front of me!)

A mother who radiates self love and acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteemWhen I had the chance to take another class and bring Aubri with me I knew it would be a great experience for her.  Not only would she get to meet a professional dancer and learn from him, but she would have the chance to be in a room full of women who were being vulnerable enough to try something new, dance and move their bodies, and just plain have fun moving.  I also had a super proud Mom moment when we got to the portion of class where Duane added in the beginning of the Pilates Mat sequence and I looked over to see Aubri doing all of the exercises with great form and control! I love that she is learning Pilates in her body and will have that practice that she can incorporate into the rest of her life.

I want to thank Duane for bringing his love of movement and dance to the studio and creating such a supportive, non-judgemental atmosphere for everyone to learn and move. Also a big thank you for all the women that showed up for class that night and just enjoyed the experience, moved their bodies and had fun!  Just by being yourself and trying something new you helped shaped my daughter’s ideas on what movement can look like and how it should feel…. fun!!!


Inspiration of the Month Dawnell Doreo

Empower your Body-Inspire your Life!

Inspiration of the Month
Dawnell Doreo

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I started Pilates in November 2015.  I was ‘inspired’ by a friend who is very persistent and didn’t give up on me.  She actually bought me my first sessions as a gift.  I call it a new gift at a better life.
How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing? 
I usually do Pilates in the studio 2-3 times a week and also at home.  With Pilates I can do quick stretches while I wait for the dogs to come back inside.  I like being able to do something quick and work it into my schedule. I do both reformer and tower sessions in the studio.
What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates? 
I work at a desk/computer all day long so I have a GIAM ball chair and a workstation that allows me to stand when I need to.  Between changing my workstation environment and doing Pilates I have noticed more strength in my core/back which then causes less sciatica issues.  I used to suffer from sciatica issues on a daily basis, some days I had trouble walking.  Pilates has greatly reduced my sciatica issues and on the occasions where I forget that I’m not in my twenties and I try to lift a box that is too heavy for me and I pull out my back, I’m able to recover more quickly.  Now if only Pilates could tell me not to lift those heavy boxes!
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?  
I love all exercises that allow me to stretch my back.  Some of my favorites are Spine Stretch, Front Push Through on the Tower and Shoulder Bridge anywhere!
What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
I definitely recommend Pilates to everyone, young and old.  Everyone feels better if you are exercising and stretching your body, you have less aches and pains and if you have sciatica issues like me, you have less down time!  If you don’t know what to give a family member/friend for their birthday or Christmas, I highly recommend giving them a Pilates gift certificate!  They will be glad you made their life better!

10 reasons I WILL go to Pilates today!

top10I have had some issues to deal with lately, and I really have trouble getting motivated to go out the door and to Pilates!  I have two jobs, I’m dealing with grief and stress, and well, I have a zillion excuses about how much work I have to do.      So this top 10 list, is helping me focus for 1 hour a day on ME!

1.  I always feel better when I’m finished!

2. My health is important and Pilates is part of my health care plan.

3. Stress relief.  When life is crazy and stressful it’s easy to skip the things we need most…all the more reason to make it to the studio.

4. Me Time. No time to think about those emails, your spouse, your kids or what’s going on in the world….Carving out time to just focus on yourself makes you a better person, puts life into perspective and leaves you ready to tackle the world.

5. Time to Breathe.  Mindful breath work can make amazing changes in how your body feels, can relieve stress and can give you a sense of connectedness to yourself.

6. I already signed up….( Let’s face it…that 24 hour cancellation policy is a godsent when you are looking for an excuse….nothing worse than losing $$)

7. Setting an example for my loved ones.  Whether it’s your kids, your spouse or your friends…you know they are watching.  When you make a commitment to your own health they are much more likely to do the same!

8. I like my Pilates instructor and do enjoy the sessions once I get there!  It’s important to have a teacher who you connect with, who inspires you, and knows how to make you laugh and have fun while you’re moving.  When you have that connection makes it easier to convince yourself to get to the studio, even on those days when you really don’t feel like it!

9. Working Level…..One of the things I love about Pilates is my ability to do it on my own level on any given day.  Having instructors who encourage you to work at the appropriate level allows me to feel safe that even on days I’m not feeling like I can give 110%.   I can still get a safe, effective workout in without feeling like I’m a failure!

10.  “Patience and Persistence are vital qualities in the ultimate successful accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor.” ~ Joseph H. Pilates   ( You can’t argue with Joe….showing up on a regular basis is an important part of maintaining a healthy, balanced life)

If you’re like me and sometimes need a little extra motivation or reminder of why not to listen to my excuses I hope this list helps!  Feel free to print it and put it on your refrigerator or your bathroom mirror!!            ~Becky

Practice What You Teach: Picking up Nerf bullets with my toes!

One of the many bonuses of being a Pilates teacher and working with bodies day in and day out is that you become very aware of your own body, it’s alignment and how it functions.  Over the years one of the areas of the body that really stands out to me as so important (but often neglected) is our feet.  The function of our toes, feet, and ankles are so important to how the rest of the body moves yet we often don’t even think about them unless they hurt or have lost some of their function.

Lately I’ve been noticing in my own feet how my pinky toes are often collapsed in and how I just don’t have the strength, flexibility and movement in them as I do my other toes.  So I’ve made a conscious effort to use movement to change that!  Joseph Pilates created a couple of pieces of equipment, specifically the Toe Gizmo and the Foot Corrector that are really great for working on adding strength, flexibility and functionality back to the feet and toes.  But I know myself and honestly it’s too easy for me to forget to get these little pieces of equipment out and use them as regular as I would like, so I’ve been doing a few simple things( that require no equipment) and have been trying to incorporate them into my life.


See how the pinky toe doesn’t move as much!

1. The first one I’m just calling: Spread your Toes. Just like it sounds I have been challenging myself to periodically throughout my day spread all of my toes( especially my pinky toes) and then relax them and repeat at least 5 times.   I’m trying to make it a point to do this whenever I sit down.  As a Pilates instructor I honestly don’t sit for very often, but I do drink a lot of water throughout my days and take plenty of bathroom breaks where I of course sit…so most of my Toe Spreading time happens during these breaks! (Just what you wanted to know right?)


Max is snoozing away as I work to pick up that Nerf bullet (not that easy!)

2. I try to pick things up with my toes(and specifically my pinky toes).  This most often happens when I’m running around at home picking up after my kids and pets.  Luckily we seem to have an abundance of things to pick up like Nerf bullets, dirty socks, hair ties and random dog toys laying in the middle of the hallway that are perfect for challenging me.


The Original Foot Alignment Socks (or Happy Feet Socks!)

3.  I’ve been trying to wear my Happy Feet Original Foot Alignment socks around the house more and even to bed to help stretch and realign my feet and toes.  I’ve tried a lot of different toe spreading socks and equipment over the years and these are my favorite because the are comfortable enough for me to wear around the house or to bed that I actually use them on a regular basis and hence can feel and see a difference in my toes and feet!

4.  I am also trying to just be aware of how my whole foot and all my toes are working and moving during all of my Pilates workouts.  It’s kind of fascinating to me(#pilatesnerd) how many times I was catching myself not using my pinky toe and outer foot and how much that awareness can change the work of an exercise or movement.

Do you have any favorite foot, ankle or toes exercises that you incorporate into your life?  I would love to hear about them in the comments!