What does it take to be a VIP at Rivercity Pilates?

Have you seen our monthly specials just for VIP’s and wondered what makes a VIP?

603136_10151426442542526_1750838770_nTo become a Rivercity Pilates VIP you need to get 50 classes or sessions in within the year.  After achieving VIP status you will get monthly extra special deals offered only to our VIP’s for the rest of the year you accomplished this and for the following year!

We know that the best way to see and feel results from your mind body practices is to be consistent and we love to give you a little extra motivation to stay dedicated!  So if you’re not a VIP already make it a goal- we’d love to have you on the list!!

1493173_10152188575767526_297849416_nP.S. – At the end of the year we hand out some super cool prizes and awards to all of our VIP’s!!IMG_3001


How did she come up with these exercises?

Ever wonder how our instructors get ready for or class or how they decide what they are going to teach for each class you attend? Here’s a quick behind the scenes look at what goes into each class you take.

1. The instructor checks to see who is signed up for class and grabs each client chart ( yes -if you are a client at the studio you have a detailed personal chart that each instructor writes in after each session!!)  to read about:

  • what each client has been doing in previous sessions
  • any injuries or past injuries that effect the clients workout( for example: client has a past knee injury that makes kneeling uncomfortable)     IMG_8514
  • the settings the client is using on the equipment, this includes spring settings and basic equipment set up

2.  The instructor will set up the studio room and personalize a space for each client.  This means getting out any props such as balls, pads, magic circles or whatever they might want to teach with.  This also includes setting up equipment for each client.

3.  As class time gets near, instructors try to greet clients as they arrive and check in with them before class.  This is a time where instructors often check in to see how clients felt after their last session as well as checking in to see how everyone is feeling in their bodies on that particular day.  This may seem like small talk to you but our instructors use this information to tailor each class to the individuals in each class.

A great example of this would be something like this:  It’s the middle of winter and we just had a a few inches of snow fall the night before.   As the instructor is greeting incoming clients she noticed a trend that two or three clients mention how stiff they are feeling in their low backs probably due to shoveling the day before.  During class the instructor is able to add in some specific exercises and movements designed to lengthen and stretch the back.

IMG_00404.  Now the fun begins- it’s class time!  During each class the instructor is guiding a diverse group of people through a workout while constantly adjusting and cuing for each individual client(not always an easy task!) Safety is always a number one concern and you’ll notice our instructors using their words and actions to make each class safe and appropriate for everyone.  During class the instructor is constantly adjusting their teaching to find a perfect balance of challenging even the most seasoned Pilates veteran while making a beginner client feel welcome, comfortable and safe.

5. As class wraps up, instructors try to check in again with clients to see how they felt throughout class and get any feedback that might help them make their teaching more effective in the future.

6. After class, the instructor makes notes in each clients chart about the level of workout they did, any new exercises they learned, any modifications or specific adjustments they made to the client and a note about what they want to focus on next time they see that client.

Interested in learning more about our small group classes?  Sign up for a complimentary private session or class to get introduced to the studio and our instructors.  P.S.  We love it when clients take advantage of our complimentary private session first as it gives us a chance to better know you and your body AND tailor your class experience to you!!

Interested in teaching the Pilates method of exercise and how to become the most professional, caring inspired instructor ever?  Learn more about our Pilates Teacher Training Programs here.




Do you groan when it’s time for planks?

Plank challenges are everywhere and this month we put together our own version of a 30 day plank challenge. We hope you’ll join us!

There’s a good reason you see this exercise being practiced in a ton of different types of fitness classes – it is highly effective and works the entire body.  It’s most effective though when done correctly.   If you’ve started to hate to plank, this post is for you!

If you are trying to hold your plank for any amount of time and your form is suffering then you are probably not doing yourself much good AND you’re likely to get hurt!

In today’s video, Rivercity Pilates owner Carey Sadler talks about the 3 Most common Plank Mistakes and how you can fix them!


How Quick are Pilates Results?

RCP-55One of the most common questions I hear on a client’s second visit, goes something like this:

“I felt really great after our session. I felt taller and my posture was better. My ____________________(fill in the blank with an achy body part like low back, shoulder, neck, foot, etc.) seems to be feeling better . . . could that really have been just from that one session?”
My simple answer: YES!

Here’s why:

The Pilates method of exercises teaches your body how to create and maintain alignment and balance in your body. The exercises not only strengthen and stretch your muscles, but they train your brain to recognize imbalances so your body can self correct. Once you are taught how to do it, you will naturally start practicing finding your alignment and balance throughout your day. The continual practice helps to bring your body into alignment and you WILL FEEL a difference very quickly!

It’s kind of like learning to ride a bike. After you’ve done it once, your body recognizes how to do it and continues to improve the skill of bike riding every time you ride. The more you practice riding your bike the better you get at the skills and it becomes almost unconscious. The same is true as you learn the skills of aligning your body and accessing your core muscles.

Like any new skill you are learning, the more consistent you are with practicing – the better you will become. We suggest incorporating Pilates into your fitness routine a minimum 2 to 3 times a week to see the maximum benefits.

Want to see how your body feels after a Pilates session? Schedule your complimentary session today!

What I Love about Pilates!

For those of you who practice Pilates you know its not always easy to describe Pilates to those who have never done it.  I had a prospective client ask me the question,” What do you love about Pilates?” .  I naturally listed off some of the many things that popped into my head. Really though I felt like I needed to sit down, think about and write out what it is that I really love about Pilates.

So here it is, short and sweet:RCP-6

I love that this method of exercise challenges me every time I do it.  It challenges my body and my mind and no one workout is ever the same.   I love that my Pilates practice is part of my life and not just something I do for exercise or because I have to.   I LOVE how awake, alive, and accomplished  my body feels after practicing!  I love that anyone in any physical condition, any age, any size, any gender….can be successful at Pilates.   ~Carey

So we want to know- what do you LOVE about Pilates??




Should I take private Pilates sessions, semi-private sessions, or group classes?

The Pilates method of exercise is based on learning specific principles of breath, control, precision, flowing movement, centering, and concentration.   Learning the method is truly a process that is continually challenging you to connect to your body so you can learn to breathe more efficiently, move from your center, and create uniform development or balance in your body.

Every body and every personality learns differently and the best process for you to learn will be unique to you. There really is no right or wrong way.

We suggest starting your Pilates journey with 3-6 private sessions.  By starting your learning process with private sessions you have a chamermaid adjustmentsnce to learn the basic ideas and principles in a way that is very specific to your body.   These private sessions will give you a chance to learn the Pilates fundamentals such as how to breathe during your exercises, how to engage your deep abdominal muscles, and how to stabilize your hips and shoulders.

These sessions will also give you a chance to create body awareness about how your body moves, where your individual imbalances may be, and give you an idea of places you can focus and work on as you continue your Pilates practice.

After your introductory private sessions, how you continue your Pilates training is really up to you.

Private sessions offer complete one-on-one attention from your instructor and allow you to move and learn at your own specific pace.  Individual sessions are also great for fine tuning and making adjustments to your movements that are specific to you.

Semi-private sessions are a great way to work out with a friend and still get the individualized attention of a private session.

Small group classes are a fun, effective way to do a Pilates workout while still getting great adjustments IMG_2412and feedback from your instructor.

Some clients take just private or semi-private sessions, some take just classes, and many do both!  We suggest trying them all so you can find out what you enjoy the most.

Consistency is the key in creating an effective Pilates practice in your life, so try to find some regular times that you can put into your weekly schedule.