Inspiration of the Month Dawnell Doreo

Empower your Body-Inspire your Life!

Inspiration of the Month
Dawnell Doreo

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I started Pilates in November 2015.  I was ‘inspired’ by a friend who is very persistent and didn’t give up on me.  She actually bought me my first sessions as a gift.  I call it a new gift at a better life.
How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing? 
I usually do Pilates in the studio 2-3 times a week and also at home.  With Pilates I can do quick stretches while I wait for the dogs to come back inside.  I like being able to do something quick and work it into my schedule. I do both reformer and tower sessions in the studio.
What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates? 
I work at a desk/computer all day long so I have a GIAM ball chair and a workstation that allows me to stand when I need to.  Between changing my workstation environment and doing Pilates I have noticed more strength in my core/back which then causes less sciatica issues.  I used to suffer from sciatica issues on a daily basis, some days I had trouble walking.  Pilates has greatly reduced my sciatica issues and on the occasions where I forget that I’m not in my twenties and I try to lift a box that is too heavy for me and I pull out my back, I’m able to recover more quickly.  Now if only Pilates could tell me not to lift those heavy boxes!
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?  
I love all exercises that allow me to stretch my back.  Some of my favorites are Spine Stretch, Front Push Through on the Tower and Shoulder Bridge anywhere!
What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
I definitely recommend Pilates to everyone, young and old.  Everyone feels better if you are exercising and stretching your body, you have less aches and pains and if you have sciatica issues like me, you have less down time!  If you don’t know what to give a family member/friend for their birthday or Christmas, I highly recommend giving them a Pilates gift certificate!  They will be glad you made their life better!

Pilates Inspiration of the Month – Lindsey Gorzelanny


Inspiration of the Month
May 2016
Lindsey Gorzelanny 
When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I started Pilates about 6 years ago when I was pregnant with our first child to counterbalance the additional weight, prepare for his birth, and stretch, strengthen, and tone my body.  It changed my life.  Since then, I have tried to sneak in at least one weekly session in whatever city I am in.
What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice?   
I can ALWAYS tell when I have missed a weekly session. My body feels tight and it hurts.  For me, Pilates is better than massage. Due to gravity, computer and phone use, and carrying a toddler my body is often out of alignment and Pilates allows me to pinpoint those weak areas and stretch and strengthen them. I haven’t found any other exercise that enables me to do that.  It helps with other areas of fitness as well; breathing, proper alignment, mind, body awareness, and core stabilization. Seeing the benefits of my Pilates practice, my professional athlete husband started incorporating Pilates into his training.  We have been enjoying  “Pilates dates” together in the off-season!
What were the benefits of staying active with Pilates during and after pregnancy?
I credit Pilates for allowing me to feel great during both of my pregnancies. I practiced Pilates on my due date with both boys (I delivered 2 days later with both). I tend to have long natural labors and my Pilates practice gave me the strength and endurance to power through the marathon of labor.  It also helped me recover quickly from pregnancy and the labor. I was not only able to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape fairly quickly, but I was also able to heal properly.   When you are feeding a newborn every 2 hours, carrying an insanely heavy diaper bag and car seat, not sleeping, and your core strength is non-existent, Pilates will save your life.  Pilates is the perfect low impact exercise for during and after pregnancy.  It is Physical Therapy and massage combined. For instance, when my core is weak due to pregnancy my lower back begins to hurt, so Pilates allows me to strengthen my core and stretch my back at the same time.
You are a busy mom, how do you make time to take care of yourself?
When I had a toddler and a newborn, a 50 minute Pilates session was the only time I took for myself. It helped me both physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I definitely struggle with taking time for myself, so I would sneak away when the baby was napping and my husband was home.  Now my oldest is in kindergarten and my youngest goes to preschool, so I can go to the grocery store, Target, Starbucks, and Pilates kid-less, and  it is the most amazing thing!
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

I actually like all the equipment for different reasons and it depends on the day and what my body is feeling.  Sometimes I want a quick, effective, toning workout, so I prefer the Mat exercises and/or the Chair. But other days, after I have been traveling and my body is aching, I prefer the Cadillac and Reformer.  After all these years, each exercise and equipment still is challenging to me and I am constantly making adjustments.
What would you say to other busy moms who are thinking about doing Pilates?

It will be the best decision you make for both your mind and body.  You will feel great and enjoy doing it!

Inspiration of the Month: Mike Palmer


When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I started seriously doing Pilates last fall. To be completely honest, Becky made me start going to Pilates. She decided we both needed to be doing something active. When I didn’t have a plan, she signed us up for a couples Pilates class. After my first class I still had mixed feelings. A few months later, and while I still think she should have allowed “aerobic fishing” as an option, Becky signed me up for some private sessions. I really started enjoying Pilates after getting those private sessions under my belt to get an understanding of the different equipment and movements.

What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice?

When I first started Pilates, my favorite things were just the quiet focused time spent doing Pilates and the warm relaxed flexible period afterward. After doing Pilates for a while, I started to notice that I was stronger and much more flexible.

The most amazing benefit from Pilates has been that my back pain gradually went away. It happened so gradually that I’m not exactly sure when it happened. One day after some strenuous activity that would have usually left me with a lot of pain the next day, I realized that my back wasn’t bothering me. Then thinking about it, I realized that I couldn’t remember the last time I had back pain. I’ve struggled with chronic (and occasionally acute) back pain for years due to issues related to being in the Army and SCUBA diving (heavy equipment), and my being overweight and a job that had me sitting at a desk for hours at a time.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

I initially liked the Cadillac – probably the big hardware/guy sort of thing. But after doing Pilates for a while I’ve discovered that using the different pieces of equipment is part of the fun. Even the same exercise on different equipment gives you a slightly different motion.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?

I was at the bookstore and had that very discussion with someone about Pilates after we talked about how hard it was to see and reach the magazines on the lowest shelf ( especially if you had a sore back). They were wondering if they could just pick up a book or a video on Pilates. I suggested that initially taking private sessions would be the way I’d recommend. Taking private sessions initially would allow them to learn how to do the movements properly. Also, without using the equipment, it’s hard to appreciate how much assistance it provides for some of the exercises.


Inspiration of the Month Kayla Lygoft


When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I have done Pilates with videos on and off for several years, but I began taking regular Pilates classes through Rivercity in November of last year.


What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice?

The biggest benefit I’ve seen is body awareness and an ACTUAL desire to regularly moving my body! Talking with all of the instructors at Rivercity has helped me understand some of the quirks of my body alignment and has given me insight into how to ask better questions about how to help myself both in the studio and on my own time. It’s been amazing to become more in tune with myself.


Why did you decide to do the 2016  Empower Your Body Challenge and  what has been your favorite part about the Challenge so far? 

I always love a good challenge, so I was excited when Empower Your Body was announced.  I love to push myself and inspire others to do the same.  Additionally, this part of the winter and of the year can be a very difficult time to motivate myself to workout, and since I know that, I thought that jumping into the challenge would help me stay on track- and it has!  Even though I’ve had a few slower weeks, I keep going in order to stay a part of a program I committed myself to a month ago.


Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

I’ve only recently had the chance to try out the larger Pilates equipment, so I feel like I can’t pick a favorite when it comes to those exercises, but overall, I LOVE the Pilates classes that incorporate Barre.  I was a dancer as a little girl, and didn’t stick with it very long, but it’s incredibly gratifying to pull those moves back out of my body as an adult! It makes me feel strong and sexy and it’s so. much. FUN!  If you haven’t tried one of the Barre classes, I suggest giving it a try!


What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?

I have already told several of my friends and family members about my venture into the world of Pilates, and several of them have taken my enthusiasm and suggestions to heart!  It’s an incredibly accessible form of exercise, and for those that haven’t had their bodies moving in a while, it’s a wonderful way to get back into movement.  In my case, I was nursing a shoulder injury when I came to Pilates, and from time to time the pain flares up, but now I know I have my instructors on my side and I can ask them questions anytime.  It’s an awesome support network and it’s so much more than exercise, it’s a community and something that I can see myself doing for the rest of my life!

Inspiration of the Month: Shari

ShariWhen did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? Two years ago, I was experiencing a lot of back pain. I had trouble getting out of bed in the morning and stopped exercising all together because I was afraid it was making things worse. After seeing an orthopedist and being diagnosed with osteoarthritis, I was told that the best thing I could do was to keep moving. I was told to find some type of exercise that I enjoyed and to stick with it.
I decided I wanted a personal trainer or program which would accommodate my physical limitations and hectic schedule. To be honest, I can’t remember exactly how I found Rivercity Pilates but I am sure glad I did!  
How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?  I try to attend at least two classes per week. I usually attend mat classes, but I also enjoy the equipment classes as well. I get bored easily and I like to mix it up with different classes and instructors. Each instructor has her own unique way of explaining the exercises and that helps me focus on my technique.
What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?  Just like a lot of things in life, you don’t appreciate something until it is taken away. I didn’t notice all the benefits I was getting from Pilates until I had to stop due to an injury. When I am able to attend class regularly, my back feels better and my body is better toned. Since I work out of the home in a stressful job, I also really enjoy the social aspects of attending a class. After class, I always feel better and more relaxed.
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?   I enjoy working with the tower!

November Inspiration of the Month: Ellen

ellenWhen did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I have consistently engaged in fitness activities for the last 38 years – well, with an occasional month off every couple of years.  I started off in 1978 with jogging, then aerobic classes at the newly built gym and racquetball club near my house, took tennis, golf, and racquetball lessons (1980’s and lousy at all 3).  Followed by Jane Fonda, “The Firm,” step aerobics, jazzercise, water aerobics, and a try at spinning (90’s – ugh)!  At different times, I have had a rowing machine, a universal weight station, a Nordic Track, a recumbent stationary bike (anyone want to buy it?) and an elliptical.  I have walked thousands of miles over the years!   Same story with every one; excitement, then boredom, and eventually, abandonment…and I moved on to the next thing.
Then in 2000 in Peoria, IL, I found a trainer gym where you work out with a trainer on an appointment basis, and I was hooked!  I love the one-on-one, the partnership, the friendship that develops. I continued working out that way until I fell last December and fractured my humerus.  At the same time, my beloved trainer took a job in another field.  So, after taking several weeks off last winter for healing, in the spring of this year I began looking for my next exercise venue.
I found Kris Cameron online and became aware of Rivercity Pilates and that she gave classes here.  I saw that there were classes in Cardio Funk, Yoga, Pilates, and Strength Training, so I decided to give it a try because it offers a well-rounded exercise approach that would hold my attention, and that maybe a different form of exercise was right for this time in my life.  And, it is a small place where people are friendly. No hard-bodies strutting, either!
I had tried Pilates twice over the years, mats only, in a larger group with no personal attention, and I had found it incredibly challenging and not particularly fun. So, I had quit.  But, when I came here for my introductory session with Carey Sadler, I decided to try it again. For one thing, as we all know, she is fabulous!  And so it began.
How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?

In the beginning I took classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Kris, and began with Reformer and Tower classes with Carey, Cardio Funk and even Yoga, (for “Every Body”, even mine!!), with Julie and I learned that Carey is not the only fabulous teacher at Rivercity!  They all are!!  I try to do 4-6 classes per week and 2-3 personal sessions with Carey per month.

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?
The benefits I have noticed are increased flexibility, particularly hamstrings and quads, decreased lower back pain, and the improved functioning of my arm and shoulder.  I feel refreshed when I leave, and I have better awareness of my posture most of the time.

Do you have a favorite Pilates exercise?
I love the equipment which makes it all so interesting and challenging. The Tower is my favorite. I love it that it takes so much concentration and attention that I have to get out of my life for 50 minutes and be totally here with my body, mind, and spirit.
What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?  
This is my “happy place.”  I love the small size of the classes. Thanks, Rivercity staff for giving me a new lease on life!”