Do you ever wonder if your Pilates instructor just comes in and hangs from the Cadillac or maybe hangs over the high barrel to stretch their spine when no one else is around?  We do!!  ItIMG_7456‘s the day before our Pilates Day celebration and I had an hour break before my last client of the day and I have to be honest I really just wanted to take a nap!  I got up at 3am this morning to come into the studio for some news coverage for our Pilates Day event and by the afternoon my body was feeling tired and tight!

Instead of sitting at the computer being unproductive and tired, I went to my favorite place- the Cadillac and did all my favorite “feel good” exercises.  I hung in Half Hang( for quite awhile..), did some nice stretchy Roll Downs and did a few of my favorite Rolling Back exercises.  I went to the High Barrel and did Ballet Stretches.  Today’s Ballet Stretches consisted of me rolling down through my spine over my outstretched leg and just hanging out and breathing. Then I hooked my feet on the high barrel and just extended backwards over it.  I also flipped onto my front side and just hung over the barrel in flexion. When I got done….I felt better and more energized- ready to tackle the rest of my day!

You might wonder why I’m telling you all this?  As a Pilates instructor I find myself teaching movement that seems like it has lots of rules…..Pull your belly in, don’t scrunch your shoulders, inhale here, exhale there.  The ideas and concepts that seem like rules are really what help people learn how to move better, more efficiently and help them start thinking about movement and alignment in their life, but many times people take the rules too seriously.  People think they have to be lying on a mat doing things perfectly to be practicing Pilates or any type of movement.  They think they have to follow the rules and the order… and the rules all the time!  I like to think of the “rules” as guidelines for how to move better not as an “all or nothing” rules to movement.


Instead of focusing on all the rules of my Pilates practice I like to focus on all the tools my Pilates practice gives me.  One of the biggest gifts of my Pilates practice is probably just being able to pay attention to my body and then being able to use movement to make me feel better(like I did today!).  I find that one of my biggest challenges as a Pilates teacher is convincing and reminding clients that they have the ability to change how their body feels through movement any time!  The tools they are learning at the studio can be used practically anywhere( at your desk, on your living room floor, in the car…).  You don’t always have to move at 110% effort, do the hardest version of an exercise or do an hour workout for movement to be an effective health tool in your life!

[tweetthis]You can use #movement anytime to help your body feel better! #practicewhatyouteach[/tweetthis]


If you are looking at our line up of events at Pilates Day this year you might be surprised to see we are offering not only FREE Pilates but also a FREE Yoga class.  During our open house time (10 am to 12 pm)  we will also be offering Tasting Stations that include not only Pilates but Yoga, Barre, Health Coaching and even Neural Reset Therapy and Massage.  Let me take a moment to tell you why we are letting all of these other mind body movement types and health care modalities we offer at Rivercity Pilates be part of our Pilates Day celebration.Visit our Rivercity Pilates Tasting Circuit to learn about & try Pilates, Barre, Yoga and Neural Reset Therapy and earn a Sparkle Bag of goodies!! (1)

I’m pretty passionate about Pilates as a method of exercise that can make an amazing difference in the way you live your life, but I have to tell you one of the biggest gifts I’ve received in my own life from my Pilates practice is the realization that: Joseph Pilates didn’t just teach exercises.  He taught a way to live your life.  In Joseph Pilates’ books he not only talked about exercises, but also things like getting fresh air, eating for health, how to sleep best, and how to maintain your health.

As a student of the Pilates method of exercise I can tell you that this method of exercise encompasses much more than just your workouts.  The exercises are truly a catalyst to start looking at how you can be empowered to take your health into your own hands by exploring a variety of movement practices, health practices and body work designed to bring your body back into balance.

Rivercity Pilates has grown over the years from a single Pilates instructor teaching the Pilates method of exercise into an oasis of empowered, health driven instructors and practitioners of movement, body work and healthy living.  To me this is what the Pilates Method is truly about.  So as we celebrate the Pilates Method and the amazing impact it has on all of our lives this Saturday we’re also excited to share everything we offer at the studio because we believe that there is no one right way to learn the Pilates ideas and concepts in your body.  We’re hoping by sharing everything we offer with you and the community we might inspire you to try a new movement method, start some new healthy habits and find some movement and health care practitioners who can help you along your journey!!

We’d love to have you in class or have you stop by our Open House on Saturday!!



PilatesDay_LOGO_2016What is Pilates Day?

Pilates Day is an annual, international, community event celebrated on the first Saturday of May every year.

The Pilates Day mission is to foster the public’s appreciation and awareness of the Pilates Method through a network of varied, innovative, and high quality grassroots Pilates events accessible and affordable for all.

Why should I attend an event?

I’m going to break this one down into two categories: Pilates lovers and those who have no idea what Pilates is!

For Pilates Lovers:

  • IMG_6792FREE Pilates with friends...what could be better than that! If you already know and love Pilates then a Pilates Day event is a great way to share your Pilates love with lots of others who love it too!
  • Share Pilates with a friend or two. If you already love Pilates I know you can’t help but want to share your love with friends and family you care about.  But sometimes it can be really challenging to convince someone to start a new exercise program.  Many Pilates Day events are designed to make it easy for you to bring a friend and let them experience the Pilates method in a very relaxed atmosphere.  The event is free, socially fun and gives you a chance to introduce someone you care about to the method you love!
  • Try a new studio or instructor.  Pilates Day events can be a great place to meet new Pilates friends or try a new studio or instructor without a big commitment.

For those who have no idea what Pilates is:

  • Find out what Pilates is!  You’ve heard your friends rave about it, heard the movie stars and professional athletes talk about it changing their bodies and you really have no idea what Pilates is….   This event was designed for you!!  Pilates instructors and practitioners are very passionate about their movement practice and there are so many reasons that so many people love it!  This free event was created so you could learn about what Pilates is and how using this exercise method might help you feel better in your body!
  • Check out a local business.   A Pilates Day event is a great way to meet Pilates studio owners, Pilates teachers and Pilates practitioners.   You’ll have a chance to talk, a chance to move and a chance to see if it might be something you want to pursue in more detail.
  • Free Stuff and more.  Besides all the free classes and giveaways during the Pilates Day event, many studios offer specials, introductory packages and even free classes for new clients so that if you are interested you can try out this Pilates thing with a little more depth after Pilates Day.

If you are in Iowa we’d love to see you at Rivercity Pilates for our Pilates Day celebration but if you are not near us you can click this link and check out all of the events worldwide and find one near you!!


Whether you are contemplating knee replacement surgery or have had the surgery I think you’ll find the video above pretty impressive.  Just 2 weeks after her knee replacement Nancy is back at the studio doing many of her regular Pilates exercises.  The secret to her impressive road to recovery?  Pilates of course! Nancy’s regular Pilates practice before her surgery gave her the strength, balance and core strength to tackle the recovery process the best she could.  Since the Pilates method of exercise is so adaptable to any body Nancy was able to easily incorporate her Pilates practice into her recovery time and is doing fabulous!

To learn more about the benefits of Pilates before and after Knee Replacement surgery schedule a complimentary Private session today!


When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I started seriously doing Pilates last fall. To be completely honest, Becky made me start going to Pilates. She decided we both needed to be doing something active. When I didn’t have a plan, she signed us up for a couples Pilates class. After my first class I still had mixed feelings. A few months later, and while I still think she should have allowed “aerobic fishing” as an option, Becky signed me up for some private sessions. I really started enjoying Pilates after getting those private sessions under my belt to get an understanding of the different equipment and movements.

What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice?

When I first started Pilates, my favorite things were just the quiet focused time spent doing Pilates and the warm relaxed flexible period afterward. After doing Pilates for a while, I started to notice that I was stronger and much more flexible.

The most amazing benefit from Pilates has been that my back pain gradually went away. It happened so gradually that I’m not exactly sure when it happened. One day after some strenuous activity that would have usually left me with a lot of pain the next day, I realized that my back wasn’t bothering me. Then thinking about it, I realized that I couldn’t remember the last time I had back pain. I’ve struggled with chronic (and occasionally acute) back pain for years due to issues related to being in the Army and SCUBA diving (heavy equipment), and my being overweight and a job that had me sitting at a desk for hours at a time.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

I initially liked the Cadillac – probably the big hardware/guy sort of thing. But after doing Pilates for a while I’ve discovered that using the different pieces of equipment is part of the fun. Even the same exercise on different equipment gives you a slightly different motion.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?

I was at the bookstore and had that very discussion with someone about Pilates after we talked about how hard it was to see and reach the magazines on the lowest shelf ( especially if you had a sore back). They were wondering if they could just pick up a book or a video on Pilates. I suggested that initially taking private sessions would be the way I’d recommend. Taking private sessions initially would allow them to learn how to do the movements properly. Also, without using the equipment, it’s hard to appreciate how much assistance it provides for some of the exercises.



When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I have done Pilates with videos on and off for several years, but I began taking regular Pilates classes through Rivercity in November of last year.


What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice?

The biggest benefit I’ve seen is body awareness and an ACTUAL desire to regularly moving my body! Talking with all of the instructors at Rivercity has helped me understand some of the quirks of my body alignment and has given me insight into how to ask better questions about how to help myself both in the studio and on my own time. It’s been amazing to become more in tune with myself.


Why did you decide to do the 2016  Empower Your Body Challenge and  what has been your favorite part about the Challenge so far? 

I always love a good challenge, so I was excited when Empower Your Body was announced.  I love to push myself and inspire others to do the same.  Additionally, this part of the winter and of the year can be a very difficult time to motivate myself to workout, and since I know that, I thought that jumping into the challenge would help me stay on track- and it has!  Even though I’ve had a few slower weeks, I keep going in order to stay a part of a program I committed myself to a month ago.


Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

I’ve only recently had the chance to try out the larger Pilates equipment, so I feel like I can’t pick a favorite when it comes to those exercises, but overall, I LOVE the Pilates classes that incorporate Barre.  I was a dancer as a little girl, and didn’t stick with it very long, but it’s incredibly gratifying to pull those moves back out of my body as an adult! It makes me feel strong and sexy and it’s so. much. FUN!  If you haven’t tried one of the Barre classes, I suggest giving it a try!


What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?

I have already told several of my friends and family members about my venture into the world of Pilates, and several of them have taken my enthusiasm and suggestions to heart!  It’s an incredibly accessible form of exercise, and for those that haven’t had their bodies moving in a while, it’s a wonderful way to get back into movement.  In my case, I was nursing a shoulder injury when I came to Pilates, and from time to time the pain flares up, but now I know I have my instructors on my side and I can ask them questions anytime.  It’s an awesome support network and it’s so much more than exercise, it’s a community and something that I can see myself doing for the rest of my life!