Can we talk about inspiration? Through my own self discovery process I’ve learned that I am motivated by inspiration (big surprise for those who know me…).  I love to inspire others to live their best lives, inspire others to add more movement to their life, inspire them to be happy, and just to see their full potential.  The beautiful thing about teaching Pilates is that most of the time I get the better end of the deal!  The more I get to develop relationships with clients and help them in their movement journey, the more I’m inspired to work on mine.  Let’s face it – it doesn’t matter what you do for a living,  we could all use a little extra motivation to take care of ourselves and our health!

IMG_4249Case in point?  My morning workout today.  It was a beautiful fall morning and I was super excited to get up and get a morning run in.  When I got home I decided it was way too nice to plop on the floor to do my Pilates, so I threw a mat(actually it was a blanket folded in half…) on the deck and decided to do some mat work.  I decided to do the full advanced Pilates mat work order (similar to what I had just taught the day before in my Return to Life Mat class).  I have to be honest – I don’t often do the entire mat sequence for many reasons.  First of all I often don’t have time to get the whole thing in and second it’s hard!!  Sometimes I start to do the entire sequence and stop part way through or just do my favorite exercises skipping those that are more challenging or I don’t especially like.

But today I was inspired to do every exercise and not let myself skip things.  When I even considered skipping something I reminded myself of my inspiring clients.  I have clients in classes who have been coming since I started the studio over 6 years ago and I could count on one hand the amount of times they’ve missed their regular Pilates class, they are truly dedicated.  I have clients who have have had knees replaced, hips replaced, back surgeries and countless other injuries or obstacles but they continue to come back and do amazing things with their Pilates practices!  I have clients with insanely busy professional and family lives yet they find the time to make their health a priority!  I have clients who really just hate to exercise and/or sweat but they do it anyway!  I didn’t skip an exercise, and as I finished I realized how grateful I am for clients that inspire me and allow me to mentor them in their Pilates practice.  As a Pilates instructor, my inspiration and my #1 job perk, is all the clients that come to Rivercity Pilates.

To all of my amazing, inspiring clients:  Thank you for motivating and inspiring me!!

If you love movement and inspiration and are considering a career teaching Pilates I would love to connect with you!  Contact me today and set up a time to learn more about instructor training programs at Rivercity Pilates.


What does a Pilates instructor do when her back hurts?

I have to admit I have not ever had to deal with chronic back pain, but like many people I have an occasional day when my low back aches or hurts.  Many times it is after I have been driving in the car longer than normal or sitting at the computer too long.   Some days I couldn’t tell you exactly why it happens.  So what do I do?  Pilates!


My go to treatment for a tight achy low back is to move and stretch and use some traditional Pilates exercises.  I turn to the same wonderful work that I use with my clients day in and day out!  I generally focus on stretching and lengthening the backs of my legs and my hips.

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]Help! I teach #Pilates and I have #BackPain[/tweetthis]

Some of my favorite exercises are Single Leg Circle followed by stretches for my hamstrings and inner and outer thighs, Shoulder Bridge followed by a supported bridge stretch (with a yoga block under my hips), a slow straight leg lower with a foam brick under my hips to lengthen my psoas and just hanging out in child’s pose.


For me the movement helps almost immediately and I continue to play around with finding movements that help my body feel good.  Often times a sore low back is a reminder that I need to incorporate more mindful movement into my day,  be a little more aware of how I’m moving my body and how much I’m sitting throughout my day.

One of my favorite lessons learned from my Pilates practice is that we are much more powerful and capable than we think when it comes to healing and taking care of our bodies.  So if you’re feeling a little achy or tight don’t be afraid to try out some movements at home.  Listen to your body and trust that your mindful movement practice can change how your body feels!



IMG_1933Today, as I finished another tally sheet for my teacher training log book, I realized that I have been on the road to becoming a Pilates instructor for just over a year. Wow, how the time has flown! Knowing that I have let other things in my life take priority over Pilates in the past month, I decided to take this opportunity for some self-reflection. So, I set aside my long, ever-present to-do list, and reflected on what I have accomplished in my first year in the Body Precision Comprehensive Teacher Training Program, and where I want to focus my energy in the upcoming months.

Before moving forward, I took a few minutes to look back at why I decided to go through the Body Precision Comprehensive Teacher Training Program….
I decided to go through the program for both personal and professional reasons.  On a personal level, I wanted to learn the method in more depth and refine my own practice.  I enjoy learning on my own, but do best when I am part of a structured program, so the Body Precision Comprehensive Teacher Training Program seemed like the best way for me to take my practice to the next level.

On a professional level, I wanted to learn the method so I could incorporate Pilates principles and exercises in to my work as a physical therapist. Pilates incorporates many principles that are familiar to me as a physical therapist and I think the method will be a good addition to my practice. It was important to me to learn the method in more detail before incorporating it in to my professional practice.

Then I thought about what I have accomplished in the past year…
I completed all of the workshop hours and a little less than half of the observation hours, practice teaching, and lessons required for the comprehensive program. More importantly, I gained a deeper understanding of the Pilates method and learned what most of the exercises feel like in my body, or at least what they feel like right now.   And, most surprisingly, despite adding more “requirements” to my life, I found better balance. Better balance between work and personal life. Better balance in my emotions. Better balance in my body.

What has been my biggest challenge in the past year?…
Time!   When I contemplated starting the teacher training program, I was concerned about the amount of time I would need to dedicate to the program. I have a full-time job, and then some. I had just finished a 4 year graduate program, had a paper to revise, and had a fall class to teach. Did I really have time for Pilates? Maybe I needed to slow down and take a break. Was I really ready to jump in to another commitment? Well, I decided to take the plunge and I am glad I did. Finding time to dedicate to Pilates has been a challenge, however. I try to combat the challenge by scheduling time each week for observation, practice teaching, and my own practice. And when all else fails, I remind myself that even if I get in as many hours as I would like each week, I am still making progress.

Where I want to focus my energy in the upcoming months
Getting back to scheduling time for me! Fall is a busy time of year for me, much like it is for other people…. It is back-to-school time (I teach a physical therapy class in the fall semester), football season (Go Hawks!), and a busy time of year for work-related conferences. Amidst all of the other demands on my time, I want to get back to making Pilates a priority on my schedule. I always feel great when I walk in the studio… the hard part is putting it on my schedule.  So, for the next few months, I am going to focus on getting Pilates on my schedule at least three days a week!


IMG_6149I’ve been teaching Pilates for 15 plus years and the whole journey has been filled with learning and growing (which is part of what I love so much about the profession).   People often ask me how I remain passionate about Pilates or if Pilates gets monotonous for me.

I’ve taken endless hours of continuing education, workshops, conferences and online training.  I’ve taken lessons and classes with a variety of instructors and master instructors.   As much as I love all of those learning opportunities I think the most important teaching tool I use in my teaching is what I like to call “playtime”.

Playtime for me is what some might call my own personal workout time, yet I see it a little differently.  Playtime is where I get to experience the work I teach day in and day out in my own body on any given day.  It’s a time when I get to explore the exercises deeper.  I get to try a variety of different adjustments to the exercise and find which one feels best in my body.

If a client has struggled with an exercise, my playtime is a time where I put myself into my client’s body and imagine what an exercise might feel like in their body.  I call it playtime because its fun and just like a kid playing times flies by and I barely realize that I’m actually “working my body”.

[tweetthis hidden_urls=”” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]#Pilates #workouts should be #FUN! Love what you do! [/tweetthis]

For me having daily “playtime” is essential to my teaching.  It keeps my own body healthy, its refreshes my spirit and inspires my teaching!!  I often start my day with my movement practice but you’ll also catch me playing if I have some time between clients or classes at the studio.

IMG_6792When it comes to an exercise program, have you ever said something like this (either to yourself or out loud)?

  • I’m too out of shape to take that class.
  • I can’t do the same thing that the super fit 20 year old is doing!!
  • I’m too inflexible to try that.
  • I have an injury or ailment that won’t allow me to exercise.

I have some exciting news for you!!  At Rivercity Pilates, we offer private and small group sessions that you will feel completely comfortable in.  From the moment you walk in the door you’ll feel the difference and know this isn’t your typical gym or fitness setting.

[tweetthis hidden_urls=”” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]Have U heard this in #Pilates? I cant do the things that 20 yo does![/tweetthis]

Our private sessions and group classes are designed for “real” people who are looking to empower their bodies through mindful movement.  We know that everyone has different needs when it comes to exercise and we can help you find an exercise routine that fits your life and your body.

We believe that mindful movement can have a positive effect on everyone’s lives.  Our instructors and staff specialize in creating private sessions and small group classes  that are tailored to your individual needs.

IMG_2527Don’t know where to start?

We offer a complimentary private Pilates or Yoga session to all new clients to the studio.  This private session will introduce you to mindful movement and also to the studio and everything we offer.  Click here to learn more!

Want to try out one of our classes?

Your first Pilates, Barre, Yoga, Strength Training, or Cardio Funk class is FREE!  Just sign up online or contact us to sign up and be sure to let us know it’s your first class.

dollarsIf you’ve checked in to Pilates or Yoga studio prices you know they are not exactly cheap. $16 to $32 for a class might seem pretty ridiculous when you can get a monthly gym pass for $40 a month. I like to remind everyone though, like most things in life, you get what you pay for. How many of us have paid for that yearly gym membership and maybe only gone in 4 or 5 times in an ENTIRE YEAR!

Taking a full body exercise class like Pilates or Yoga with a qualified instructor in a small studio setting is definitely more expensive but most people find it’s worth every penny. First of all the class experience is NOTHING like that at the gym. The classes are personal, your instructor knows you and workouts are tailored to you! What this means for most people is that you actually enjoy coming and make it a priority to schedule it into your life.

What's missing in this picture? FITNESS!

What’s missing in this picture? FITNESS!

The payment system at our studio almost forces you to get rid of the excuses. At Rivercity Pilates we have a 24 hour cancellation policy for pre-scheduled classes. If you want to be guaranteed a spot in your favorite class you have to schedule ahead. And unless there is a major emergency, you pay for that class whether you come or not unless you cancel  24 hours before class. Many of our clients comment on how this enhances benefit because it forces them to be accountable and maybe come in and workout on a day when they don’t quite feel like it or could very easily just skipped their workout.

Some people think that taking classes at the studio is just for those who are wealthy, but I can tell you that is not the case. We have many clients who have very average incomes who make getting their Pilates and Yoga in a priority in their budgets. How do they do it?  They budget and make their health a priority!


[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]Do your $$ run out before you purchase your #Pilates/#yoga? Coupon for #budget classes here![/tweetthis]

At Rivercity we offers some great deals for clients such as discounted class prices for buying more classes up front, we offer a monthly $5 account credit if you schedule at least 4 classes per month (Schedule Ahead Rewards!), we give clients $15 account credit every time they refer a friend to the studio, and we often give away classes and discounts on our social media pages just for commenting or participating! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn as you never know when you could have a chance to win!

design (23)We believe your health and well being are very important and well worth being a priority in your life.   We also know that budgeting for your health is sometimes stressful.  If you are new to budgeting, we have a great resource for you!  Brooke Pettengill is a local accountant who specializes in family budgeting and she’s pretty amazing.  She offers budgeting classes and one on one sessions that will teach you how to budget for everything important in your life (including your health) and still save you money!

Mention this blog to Brooke and receive 15% any class, service or workshop she offers!