photo credit - BJ Monroe

Why Sunrise Classes might be the most effective classes on our schedule!!

IMG_0079Looking to create a consistent movement practice that gets results?  Our Sunrise Pilates and Yoga classes are a great way to start your day!  As an instructor I love teaching the early morning classes and can really see the benefits in our clients when they consistently get their workouts in first thing every day.  Here’s a few reasons why I think the early morning classes are so effective for clients:

~Most of our regular Sunrise clients have committed to at least 2 or more classes per week.   Consistency and creating the habit of getting your exercise in is so important and when you get your workout in first thing nothing else can get in the way of getting it done!

~It’s not always easy to commit to getting up that extra hour early in the morning to work out, but we have a very committed crew of early morning exercisers and there really is a sense of camaraderie and friendship that forms at this early hour.  Whether you are brand new to Pilates or Yoga or have been practicing for years you will feel welcome, comfortable and inspired by the other clients in our sunrise classes!

~Starting your day with mindful movement energizes your body and just plain feels good!  Your body will thank you!  You co workers may thank you too as it often puts you in a better mood for the rest of the day!

If you’re looking to consistently add a movement practice into your life I would highly suggest trying out our early morning classes!  You’ll leave class refreshed and awakened and ready to face anything your day brings you!!

[tweetthis]#Workout in the Morning! Are #Sunrise classes more #effective?[/tweetthis]

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