
If you’ve ever taken a class or a private session with me you know that I’m super passionate about the Pilates method of exercise.  I love to tell stories about Joseph Pilates, I love to share insight about how genius the exercise system Joe created is and I always have you doing some form of the Hundreds!!

The Hundreds were designed to warm the body up, increase circulation and prepare you for the rest of your work out. When I’m teaching it’s rare that I don’t have my clients doing some form of the Hundreds.

 But today I have a confession to make….   I make it my own personal practice to move daily and this always includes some traditional Pilates exercises, but sometimes I skip my Hundreds!!

Let’s face it- the Hundreds are hard no matter how many times you’ve done them.   And there was a time that I would just avoid getting on the floor or a mat to move because the thought of doing the Hundreds wasn’t very enticing.  Over the years my thinking has changed and so has my movement practice.

There are many times when I just carve out some time and do the traditional mat sequence or reformer sequence and I do my Hundreds.  There are some days when I only do my Hundreds(something is always better than nothing). There are also many days when I do whatever I feel like( AND I SKIP THE HUNDREDS)!

Yes I know the classic Pilates sequences inside out and upside down and could recite them in my sleep.  Yes I know the benefit and beauty of the sequencing Joe created.  But I’ve also learned through my own movement practice and movement teaching:

  • The best movement practice is the one that you actually do on a consistent(ie daily) basis.

  • Trusting your instincts and moving in a way that feels good for your body has big benefits both mentally and physically.

 So what do I do on the days I’m not following the Pilates sequences?

  • I LOVE to do Roll Ups and Rolling Like a Ball is my all time favorite Pilates exercise.   Shoulder bridge feels great on my spine even if it’s all I do.

  • Some days I pick my favorite exercises and at least start with them.  Some days I make up my own movements or practice some variations of exercises that I want to share with my clients.  Some days I just stretch or practice my favorite Yoga poses and sequences.

It’s OK to “break” the rules and skip ahead to your favorite exercises.  It’s OK to skip the Hundreds or not doing Swimming.  Do what feels good and create a practice you love- your body will thank you.  And you may be surprised to find yourself adding in some of those not so favorite exercises in on occasion( or maybe not….)

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Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate Pilates Day 2015 with us!!


We started off our Pilates Day 2015 with 2 Free Pilates Mat Class and we were super excited to have so many of you join us!!  Guest instructor Cassie Cumings-Peterson taught an all levels Fundamental Mat Class and Rivercity Pilates owner Carey Sadler taught Return to Life on the Mat.

After classes everyone grabbed a snack and watched the hard working students from Hillside Christian School as they demonstrated a mini Pilates Mat Class.  The students at Hillside Christian School range from kindergarten to 8th grade.  Every week for the last 3 years Carey has been teaching a Pilates Mat class at the school.   Be sure to check out the video clips of their fabulous demonstration!!

The Rivercity Pilates Staff had a special surprise for everyone on Pilates Day!  After watching Michelle Obama and Ellen Degeneres do a little choreagraphed dance to Uptown Funk in honor of Michelle’s Get Moving campaign, the staff decided to do their own version.  We had a blast practicing and performing for everyone and we hope you’ll watch the video and dance along!!

Everyone who came to Pilates day was eligible for door prizes!  We gave away T-Shirts, Toesox, headbands and a copy of one of our favorite Pilates books: Horatio Moves by Jenna Zaffino.

After prizes, our staff jumped on the reformers and demonstrated some of the wonderful exercises that can be done on this traditional piece of Pilates equipment!

Thanks again to everyone who joined our celebration!  We look forward to seeing you next year for Pilates Day 2016!!




When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I started coming to Pilates when I was struggling with Shingles and working out.  I was in a great deal of discomfort and needed to workout and I thought it might help.

How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?

I attend Pilates classes a minimum of 3 days a week. I have participated in individual and group classes, but by far my favorite is couples! :)

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?

My favorite benefit of Pilates is starting my day in tune with breathing, which translates to a better day, which allows me to embrace the moment.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment, (or both)?

I love the long spine. I feel strengthened, stretched, and lean when I do it.

What would you say to someone thinking about starting Pilates?

I love Pilates for a couple of reasons. It is stretching and getting in touch with your muscles and at 54 it is important to keep them all working together, and I truly can see a difference in my ability to move and keep moving!


Pilates is a fabulous method of exercise for any body, but if you are a woman over the age of 50 you may find it’s the perfect form of exercise for you.

Have you ever said:

  • I just want to stay strong and lean.
  • I see my mom aging and know I want to keep my own body fit, strong, flexible and functional so I can live life to the fullest.
  • I want an instructor/trainer who understands that I’m not 25 and trains me accordingly.IMG_2412
  • I want to enjoy my workouts.

The Pilates Method of exercise may be the perfect exercise for you and here’s why:

  • The Pilates Method combines strength, balance, and flexibility into one very efficient workout session that will keep you lean and strong.
  • The Pilates Method focuses on using proper body mechanics and teaches you how to move in a way that will balance out your body and prevent injuries as you age.
  • The Pilates Method is truly a movement practice that can be done at any level and can be done throughout your entire lifetime.
  • A PMA Certified Pilates instructor has had over 500 hours of initial training and mentoring hours that results in experienced instructors who understand how to work with bodies of all ages, levels and conditions.
  • The Pilates Method uses a variety of equipment and props so that there is a ton of variety.  You’ll develop a practice of movements and exercises that become familiar to your body but you’ll also be continually challenged.


Click here to learn more about trying out Pilates at Rivercity Pilates!!  Schedule a complimentary private session and learn what it can do for your body!  At Rivercity Pilates we offer private Pilates sessions, semi-private Pilates sessions(scheduled with a friend or family member) and small group classes(averaging 6-8 clients per class).





When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I started taking Pilates to get in better shape, way back in 1999 at Nolte Academy and was immediately addicted!  After a few classes I noticed my chronic headaches, triggered by neck pain, were reduced.  I continued for several years until I could no longer attend classes due to a change in my work hours.  I was so excited to discover Rivercity Pilates right here in North Liberty and there are class times available for almost any work schedule.

What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice? 

In addition to better posture and alignment, I have more energy and enthusiasm for everyday life.

Why did you decide to do the 2015 Inspire Your Life Challenge? 

I am so grateful that my girlfriend Sandy Schaefer got me motivated.  It helps to have someone to have to answer to.  One of our favorite hobbies is finding local restaurants and enjoying every bite!  I used to collect recipes, now I collect menus!  The challenge has motivated me to move more and improve my health and still be able to enjoy my food!

What has been your favorite part about the Challenge so far? 

Bridging out from just Pilates, to the Barre and the Empower Strength classes also.  It definitely rounds out the overall wellness experience.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

Favorite equipment is definitely Tower, but you just can’t beat bouncing on the stability ball for a warm up!

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?  

For sure everyone should try it.  It is so good for a person’s mental and physical well-being.  It is a part of my life that is a priority. The studio is also great for adapting the routines so everyone can do it!  It would be easy to feel intimidated by an exercise class, but at Rivercity, you can be inspired and made to feel comfortable with your fitness level while you improve your health.


The classic Pilates Roll Over exercise is part of the original 34 exercise sequence created by Joseph Pilates in his book Return to Life.  This exercise embodies the Pilates principles of control, centering and flowing movement.