I’m sure this summer was not anything like you expected it to be when you started 2020, but I hope you are getting a chance to enjoy it anyway! I hope you are taking some time to do things you love, connect with your loved ones and of take care of yourself! This picture of my son and I reminded me that time flies, pandemic or not…especially as I looked at how tall my baby boy was when he gave me a hug!!
What a great July it has been as we continue to see everyone in our virtual classes and have started to see some of you back in the studio for private sessions! Our goals as we continue to navigate the pandemic are the same as they have always been. We want to help you stay active and feel good in your body so you can do all the fun things you want to do in life, pandemic or not!
In studio sessions have been going well and we have really been loving seeing people in person (6 feet away and with masks of course!) Many clients have told us how pleasantly surprised they were that practicing Pilates with a mask on was not as weird and horrible as they thought it might be!
If you have questions about what we are doing to keep clients and staff safe inside the studio — you’ll want to read this!
We have decided to continue offering private and semi-private sessions only for August and we’ll be reassessing the local Covid situation later in August to determine if we will be doing in studio classes in September.
https://rivercitypilates.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/7.jpg10801080Careyhttp://rivercitypilates.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/website-cover-name.jpgCarey2020-08-07 13:37:292020-08-07 13:37:34August Studio Update
When you come to the studio for your session we ask that you arrive no more than 5 minutes before your session.
Masks or a face covering are required in the studio so we ask that you have your mask on before you enter the building. If you need a mask we will provide one for you.
Grippy socks are required in the studio for your safety.
When you walk into the front door there is a place to stop and sanitize your hands and you can leave your shoes on the shoe trays in that front area.
Your teacher will take your temperature with a contactless thermometer and we’ll ask you to stop at the front desk to sign a daily Covid form/waiver.We’ll need you to sign this each time you do a session at the studio.
After signing the waiver your teacher will let you know what station you’ll be at and we ask that you head to your workout area.
In your area you will find a basket that has hand sanitizer, a bottle of disinfectant/cleaner, and towels for cleaning. Your area will have already been cleaned and disinfected but please feel free to clean your space before your session.
Your teacher will do their best to maintain 6 feet of distance and there will not be any hands on cueing or spotting during your session. We’ll guide you to make any changes or adjustments to your equipment.
After your session we’ll ask you to clean your equipment and area and leave the towels used in your basket. (We will go in after you leave and disinfect the entire area)
We do not have the water cooler available so you’ll want to make sure to bring your own water with you to your session.
We do have some clothing and props for sale. We won’t be able to allow people to try things on, but you can purchase something and return it if it doesn’t fit once you get it home.
To avoid extra contact moments in the studio we are asking everyone to prepay for services online and have a credit card on file so that if you do want to make an in store purchase we can simply put it on your account card and email you a receipt.
After clients leave our staff will disinfect the entire area you were working out at and we will disinfect all commonly touched surfaces throughout the studio. This extra disinfecting time means we will always schedule client’s sessions 25 minute apart to ensure we have time to disinfect and to ensure that everyone can practice social distancing.
https://rivercitypilates.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Copy-of-coronavirus.jpg10801080Careyhttp://rivercitypilates.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/website-cover-name.jpgCarey2020-07-31 19:05:272020-08-07 13:41:59Keeping You Safe
Thinking of trying out Pilates or starting an exercise program during the pandemic? Here’s our list of the top 5 things NOT to expect during your Pilates virtual Pilates session!
1. Don’t expect to feel bad about not exercising or not being in as good of shape as you think you should be. It happens to everyone and we will help you realize that getting back into shape is easier than you think.
2. Don’t expect to be so sore that you can’t walk down the stairs or lift your arm to brush your hair. We know that exercise does not need to leave you in pain to be effective.You can expect to get a great workout that is perfect for your body!
3. Don’t expect to do the same exact thing every session. Each class or session is designed to meet your needs on any given day and those needs are constantly changing. Expect us to tailor your exercises to your body and continually challenge you with new variations and movements.
4. Don’t expect to be able to do everything perfect the first session or even your 100th session. (I know….this one is hard for most of us and especially if you tend to be a perfectionist!!) Pilates is designed to safely challenge your body and your mind so that you can continue to evolve to the best you!
Try not to be so judgmental toward yourself and KNOW that the benefits of Pilates are more dependent on you doing it on a regular basis rather than how perfectly you do it!
5. Don’t expect to dread coming in to the studio to exercise.In fact- most of our clients look forward to coming in! (this may be hard to believe if you have always been a person who just doesn’t like to exercise- you’ll have to trust us on this one!)
Ready to try out a complimentary virtual Pilates session at Rivercity Pilates? Contact us today to set up your first session!
https://rivercitypilates.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/4.jpg21602160Careyhttp://rivercitypilates.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/website-cover-name.jpgCarey2020-07-20 07:19:002020-07-16 20:55:065 Things Not to Expect at Pilates!
Just 5 years ago, I was in my late fifties, and I was overweight, out of shape and not very healthy. i was the ultimate couch potato . I was pretty sure I could get up off the floor, but I knew I wasn’t looking too graceful while I did it. My back hurt almost every single day, and my knees were creaky.
When I got out of bed, I felt like I was walking like someone much older than my age. My best intentions to go for a walk every day, somehow disappeared before I stepped out of the house. I had paid a monthly membership to a gym for a year, and quit going there after the first two weeks when my back hurt after I took a body pump class.
We went out to dinner one night, and I saw the Rivercity Pilates studio across the street. I had taken some Pilates lessons a few years ago, and I knew the springs on the equipment would help me through exercises that my body simply couldn’t do by itself. Still, it took me a few weeks to actually walk in the door of Rivercity Pilates. I took my free orientation session from Carey, the owner of the studio and was amazed at her knowledge, her patience and her concern for how I felt as she led me through Pilates exercises.
I started to feel better after a few sessions, and I was able to see progress in how my body moved thru the exercises. The atmosphere at Rivercity Pilates was so spa like and comforting, that it didn’t threaten me like a big gym full of people and machines.
Fast forward 5 years and a pandemic. I’m still going to Pilates 3-5 times a week and two of my best friends have joined the “addicted to Pilates crowd”. I am no longer creaky when i get up in the morning. I go out and play kickball with my dogs every day. I’m still not at my ideal body weight – but I feel so much better. Mike has also started been taking Pilates, and he has gone from daily back pain, to hardly ever feeling back pain. We retired from our careers — and we spend about 1/2 of the year traveling with our RV. I take my Pilates sessions from wherever we are, through Facetime or Zoom. Little did I know, that those lessons would help prepare me, and Rivercity Pilates for a pandemic.
When the governor of Iowa shut down businesses to stop the spread of the coronavirus back in March — Carey jumped in with both feet and started teaching virtual classes. Carey knew from teaching me when I traveled that the technology was there for virtual classes – but there was no way to know if clients would adopt the technology. Turns out people love it! One of the reasons that people love it is that they can invite their friends to be their workout buddies – even if their friends don’t live in the area. Another reason people love it is they can turn off their cameras — so they feel “safe”. No one will see them if they modify an exercise or don’t do it perfectly every time.
My friend Cyndi (in the photo to the right) was taking 1-2 classes a week virtually when we were snowbirding. But when Rivercity Pilates started offering 20+ virtual classes per week – Cyndi started taking classes nearly every day! What were her reasons? Accountability and accessibility. Scheduling and attending a class makes you accountable — as opposed to saying — I’ll just walk on my treadmill later (and later may or may not happen.) If you have a class on your schedule, you are more likely to attend. And as far as accessibility — when you don’t have to drive to and from the studio (even if it’s close) — it’s just easier. If you live 25 miles away from the studio — it saves an hour of your day.
Maybe you’re like we are. Well past your fiftieth birthday — but active and independent, and you’ve got things to do. We want to be active agers. Movement is important for maintaining your independence — and it’s got all kinds of health benefits. But you don’t want to drive to a gym. You don’t want to look like a beginner when you join class — and what could be better than just keeping your camera off if you want to hide! I would’ve loved that when I first started Pilates.
Maybe you don’t know what Pilates is or don’t know if it’s for you. That’s ok. Try it and see if you like it. It’s good to try new things, and I am outlining what you need to know right now.
To have an effective Pilates workout at home — you need to remember four things.
Take classes or private sessions from a professional – preferably one that’s been teaching for a few years. They’ve gone thru over 500 hours of training and they have the skills to make sure your session is effective, even if you’re not in the same room.
Pilates doesn’t have sit-ups. If you’re like me and you hate sit-ups – Pilates is for you!
Pilates should never hurt. Its not about feeling the burn or not being able to walk the next day.
Pilates isn’t about everyone keeping up with everyone else. Pilates is about progressing each time you exercise. You’ll love it — because you can see and feel your progress with every class!
If this sounds great to you — Rivercity Pilates has three great options for beginners right now.
There’s a beginner 4 week series — 1 class per week for 4 weeks. Just $49. The class will be 1 virtual session per week for 4 weeks. You’ll get to learn some history of Pilates, and try the exercises at your working level. Lots of individual attention. Do you have to wear spandex? No. Wear comfortable fitting clothes that allow your body to move. Email rcpilates1@gmail.com for more info.
There’s an online workshop Sunday. Learn the 10 basic Pilates exercises and Carey will explain how to find the version that gives you results! This one is $25 — but it’s worth every penny just to know that you’re feeling the exercise where you’re supposed to — and you’ll learn how to progress safely! (You can wear your pajamas to this — because turning on your camera is optional! ) Click here to register!
You can get a free virtual private session, just by signing up! Yes, you’ll need to turn your camera on but you’ll be introduced to the basics of Pilates and you’ll get a chance to work with an amazing Rivercity Pilates Instructor! Click here to sign up!
Take a deep breath, click here, and schedule your Complimentary Virtual Orientation Session at Rivercity Pilates with Carey. If you’d rather call to make sure that Pilates is for you – – call Carey at 319-665-2499 or email her at at rcpilates1@gmail.com.
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If you are like me, you might be hesitant to try something new because you are not quite sure “how to do it”! If something involves technology of any sort I often avoid it because I think I’m not “very good” at technology. I usually write things off because it would take too much time for me to figure out how to do something and quite frankly…it’s easier to just not do it.
What often happens is that eventually I try the thing that I avoided because of my fear of knowing how to do it…and I find myself wishing I would have just tried it earlier because it wasn’t that difficult to figure out and I love the results that happen when I actually do the thing!
If you are feeling this way about virtual fitness classes, this blog is for you! I want to walk you through exactly what happens when you sign up for a virtual fitness class with us, so that you’ll feel confident trying a class now and not waiting until a year from now and wishing you would have tried it sooner!
Often before or after class – your screen will look like this. Our community loves to connect with each other whether it’s in person or virtually.
First let’s talk about the technology component. It’s really as simple as reading email. You can watch on a laptop, a tablet or your phone. They all work, and the only advantage I can think of is that the bigger the screen, the easier it is to see. You need to be able to 1) click on a link and 2) adjust the volume on your device. Sounds easy — right? It is.
This is a view during a class. Our instructors do the exercises right along with you so you don’t have to know the names of the exercises.
Here’s what happens in a virtual class from Rivercity Pilates.
You sign up for class in our online scheduling system. As soon as you sign up our scheduling system sends you an email confirming you have signed up that includes a link to attend class. If you sign up more than 24 hours before class you will also get a reminder email that includes the link about 12-24 hours before the start of class.
About 5 minutes before the start of class we suggest you click on the link that will take you to class on the computer, tablet or phone where you will want to watch class. The link should open up in an app called Zoom automatically.
When you join class your microphone and your video are automatically turned off. You will be able to see the screen of the instructor when you log in. Your instructor will just see a small box that has your name on it when you join class. If you turn your video on, the instructor will see you in this box.
Before class the instructor often greets people as they join and will encourage you to turn your microphone and video on if you want before class to say hi. If you don’t want to turn your microphone on or your video that’s totally fine! You can use the feature called chat to type a message to the instructor if you wish.
When class officially starts the instructor will make sure everyone has their microphone on mute. This ensures that during class participants are only hearing the teacher and not others in class. The instructor will take care of this so you don’t have to do anything.
It is your option whether you want to leave your video on during class. Some participants will leave theirs on because they feel it helps keep them more accountable if the teacher is able to watch them during class.
At the end of class, the instructor will thank you for attending class and encourage you to turn on your microphone and video if you wish to say anything or ask questions.
The instructor will end the class in Zoom.
Ready to try a virtual class? We suggest trying our free one week unlimited Virtual Classes option! This option allows you to try as many classes as you want. Have specific questions about sign up or how to get set up for first virtual class? We would love to help! Simply email us at rcpilates1@gmail.com or call us at 319.665.2499.
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Often times I find that our male clients end up starting their Pilates practice because their wife or significant other convinces them to try it. Once they get into the studio and start practicing Pilates on a regular basis they start to realize they actually enjoy the work and can feel the difference in their body.
I was checking in with a wife of one of our new to Pilates male clients this morning and she mentioned something that got me thinking a little bit more about how we teach Pilates. She said he mentioned,” It’s been a long time since I’ve been coached and I’m really enjoying the instruction and coaching.”
Coaching is one of the things that really separates Pilates from any other fitness trend. Pilates Instructors are trained to coach each body to learn exercises and movements that are very specific to their body. Pilates instructors are not just worried about giving you a workout, they are trained to educate you on how to move your body more efficiently so that you can get a better workout and move better throughout your life. Pilates instructors are trained to give you movement tools that you can use in all the other movements you do outside of the Pilates studio setting.
If you’re someone that enjoys learning new things or maybe you were an athlete in your younger years (or still are) you might find that learning to practice Pilates is something you’ll really enjoy! Schedule a complimentary session at Rivercity Pilates today and let the coaching begin!!
https://rivercitypilates.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Untitled-Design.jpeg640640Careyhttp://rivercitypilates.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/website-cover-name.jpgCarey2020-06-19 08:06:002020-06-16 20:17:02When’s the last time you were coached?