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Rivercity Pilates offers in-studio and virtual classes to fit all your needs and whatever your schedule allows. Get started today.
Rivercity Pilates
1210 North Jordan #1
North Liberty, IA
Opening Hours
Regular Studio Hours: Sessions are available daily by appointment from 5:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Practice What You Teach: Learning to not worry..
#PracticeWhatYouTeach, Motivation and InspirationWhen people first learn that I am a Pilates instructor or that I own a Pilates studio I often find myself having conversations about fitness programs and working out. I tend to be a listener first, so many times I find myself just taking in what they are saying. Many times the conversation ends up […]
Nine things to look for when researching Pilates Teacher Training Programs
Motivation and Inspiration, Teacher TrainingIf you want to become a Pilates instructor, you know how overwhelming it can be when you start looking at all of the different instructor training programs out there. Learning to instruct the Pilates method is a journey and it is important to find a training program that will best fit your needs and life. […]
Practice What You Teach: Bean Bag Pilates
Motivation and InspirationIf you didn’t think I was a Pilates Nerd already, this post may confirm any suspicions you had! The workout I was most excited about this week was the one I did on a bean bag! Yep I’m talking about a bean bag chair! In fact it’s the one that […]
Pilates in the Pool!
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your LifeI have a confession…. summer can be a difficult time for me to fit in Pilates workouts. When the weather warms up, I typically add more outdoor activites to my fitness routine. Biking, paddle boarding, and hiking tend to trump my usual weekend schedule at the studio. Add in vacations, social events, and the occasional […]
Practice What You Teach: Pilates on the Water
#PracticeWhatYouTeach, Life Inspired monthly gathering, Motivation and InspirationWhat could be better than beautiful summer weather, getting out in nature and movement? Twice this week I got to go play at the lake and do some stand up paddle boarding! The paddle boards are a fun way to cruise around the lake, but also stable enough you can pretty much do the entire […]
Inspiration of the Month Gary Stetzel
Inspiration of the Month, Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates Student StoriesInspiration of the Month Gary Stetzel July 2016 When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I started Pilates in January 2015. I wanted to improve my health and do an activity with my wife. How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing? […]
Top 5 Job Perks for Pilates Instructors
Motivation and Inspiration, Teacher TrainingThinking about training to become a Pilates teacher? Check out my personal top 5 perks of teaching Pilates!! If these perks sound appealing to you be sure to check out our upcoming Pilates Mat Teacher Training Program that starts in September 2016! 1. I get paid to live in my comfortable workout wear. 2. I’m […]
My arms aren’t long enough!!
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your LifeIt never fails, when I’m teaching the transition in between Backstroke and Teaser on the Reformer to drop a spring at least one client tries the exercise and when they can’t quite do it the first or maybe even the 20th time they say,” I have really short arms. I don’t think I’ll ever be […]
SHhhhh…….I have a Pilates training secret…
Motivation and InspirationI have a secret that you may not know if you don’t know me that well. If you are a regular client of mine you may have figured this out already. I think it’s OK and actually encourage my clients to not always give 100% in their workouts!! Let me explain. First let me just […]