I’ll be the first to admit that the Hundred is not my favorite Pilates exercise.  My body or my brain doesn’t ever go, “Wow, I feel like doing my Hundreds!” It’s not like Rolling Back or Short Spine that I find myself craving to do if my body is tight or just needs to move […]

If you’re new to Pilates you might find it a little strange that on your first visit to the studio we ask you to fill out a health intake form.  After all, you are just going to work out right?  Why do we need to know about your health ailments, surgeries, illnesses or past injuries? […]

My absolute favorite movement experience this week was taking Duane Lee Holland’s Hip Hop Groove class with my 7 year old daughter Aubri.  Like most 7 year olds Aubri loves to dance, do cartwheels and handstands, jump on the trampoline and do just about anything where she is active.  When we’re home she will spend […]

Empower your Body-Inspire your Life! Inspiration of the Month Dawnell Doreo When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I started Pilates in November 2015.  I was ‘inspired’ by a friend who is very persistent and didn’t give up on me.  She actually bought me my first sessions as a gift.  I call […]

I have had some issues to deal with lately, and I really have trouble getting motivated to go out the door and to Pilates!  I have two jobs, I’m dealing with grief and stress, and well, I have a zillion excuses about how much work I have to do.      So this top 10 […]

It’s summer and if you are like us you have been getting outside more than ever to plant your garden, pull weeds  (can I hear some groans…), mow the lawn and water those beautiful flowers!  In this month’s client inspired video we give you some tips on how you can incorporate your Pilates practice into […]

This weekend I’ll be teaching the Body Precision Instructor Training Chair Module, which means I’ve been prepping for the workshops all week long( and last week too…).  My favorite way to prep for teaching is to start by re-reading through the training manual and then doing each exercise along the way.  At this same time […]

I was studying up on some business marketing the other day ago and one of the ideas that was presented was to make sure to not only let people know who would be a good fit for your business but also to let people know who is not a good fit for your business so […]

“The question is: Did you know you can practice a little bit of ‪#‎Pilates‬ everyday and really change the way you feel? ‪#‎JustSayin‬‘” ~ Gina Jackson My Pilates friend Gina Jackson posted this quote on her Facebook page this week and it really spoke to me.  Probably because it had been one of those weeks that […]