Introducing Neural Reset Therapy® Neural Reset Therapy® (or NRT) is a painless, approach to getting rid of muscular pain and tightness, more quickly and effectively than anything you’ve ever experienced before! It is done over clothing and is more comfortable to the client than deep tissue techniques. This is Sara’s “go-to” technique and will be […]

Every Saturday morning at 9 am I teach a class titled: Return to Life on the Mat. The class is a Pilates mat class that flows through the original Pilates Mat work sequence that Joseph H. Pilates created in his 1945 book titled: Return to Life.  It’s probably one of my favorite classes to teach […]

As a professional Pilates instructor I get the chance to work with some amazing, inspiring clients on a daily basis.  And on a daily basis I see how poor body image and limiting thoughts really keep people from being happy, reaching their goals and maybe pursuing bigger goals!  I am thankful in my own life […]

When did you start coming to Rivercity Pilates and what inspired you to start? When my good friend, Patti Lounsbury, asked last November if I would like to join her for a session at Rivercity Pilates, I accepted without hesitation.  I had heard of Pilates, but not a clue as to what it was, already […]

Summertime for a stay at home mom of three young children is hard work. Much harder than the school year. Add in to the mix a husband that works 60-70 hours a week and you’ve got yourself one tired momma. I only get Mom-time when the stars align. My trips to Rivercity Pilates has been […]

I clearly remember my mentor telling me when I went through my original Pilates instructor training program: “If clients do the Pilates work on a regular basis they will get results and as a teacher its OK if you can’t explain every detail of that transformation!” As a new instructor this is a wonderful thing […]

This is a great version of your tricep dip and can be a great prep exercise for long back stretch on the reformer.  If you keep a neutral pelvis and flex your feet you can really lengthen your hamstrings and feel a nice stretch as well!

It’s summer and I’m finding my weekly long bike ride is really improving not only my overall health but also my movement patterns and the balance in my body!  The last few weeks I’ve noticed a few things going on in my body.  The first was that my left quad muscles were very very sore […]

Have you heard of “Barre” Workouts?   There’s all kinds of workouts with “barre” in the name of the class at every gym and in the exercise DVD section of Amazon — but the only connection that I knew about was the barre is used in ballet lessons.     So what’s the class about and […]