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Rivercity Pilates offers in-studio and virtual classes to fit all your needs and whatever your schedule allows. Get started today.
Rivercity Pilates
1210 North Jordan #1
North Liberty, IA
Opening Hours
Regular Studio Hours: Sessions are available daily by appointment from 5:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Are the results of Pilates like wearing a corset?
Motivation and InspirationWhat can Pilates do for me? Can it get rid of my stomach, tighten my butt, slim my thighs? When you are in the movement, fitness, Pilates business these types of questions can always be expected. So expected that I, like many teachers have some standard responses where I tell potential new students, “of course […]
Need to work on balance? Try the Pilates Chair!
Getting StartedWhen you hear Pilates Chair what do you think of? Do visions of the ab chair infomercial come into your head? Does it sound like something elderly people would use so that they could exercise while sitting in a chair? The Pilates equipment called the chair was named the chair because Joe’s original design allowed […]
Having a Knee Replacement?
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your Life, Pilates Student StoriesAre you thinking about a knee replacement or maybe you’re finally fed up enough with your knee pain that you decided to get it done? Congratulations!! As a Pilates instructor I see lots of bodies and lots of different things going on in the body. As a general rule, I’m a fan of “do everything […]
Rolling for Relief
Motivation and InspirationIf there is one thing I’ve learned over my 20 plus years as a Pilates teacher, it’s this: stretching and releasing tightness in your muscles is equally as important as strengthening your muscles when it comes to functioning your best and feeling your best! In fact, what I have found in my own body over […]
My back hurts!
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your LifeI hear it all the time. “Can you just give me a few exercises I can do to make my back feel better?” If you are looking for a quick fix I’m here to tell you there isn’t one! If you want to make changes in how your body feels you need to learn to […]
Traction isn’t always a bad thing!
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your LifeWhat do you think of when you think of traction? The first thing that immediately pops in my head is someone lying in a hospital bed with their legs being held up in the air in traction. Traction can be used in a variety of medical conditions usually to take pressure off a joint or […]
2 Minute Exercise Break for your workday
Mini Workout, Office PilatesFrequent breaks in sedentary activity may explain lower health risk related to waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), triglyceride levels, and 2-hour plasma glucose levels. As you may know, those risk factors, along with triglyceride and HDL levels, define the metabolic syndrome which dramatically increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and probably Alzheimer’s […]
Have you ever had a fall that scared you?
Motivation and InspirationHave you ever been just walking through your day as normal, to suddenly find yourself in what seems like a slow motion moment where your feet slide out from underneath of you and you find yourself strategizing in a split moment what might be the best way to fall? This has happened to me and […]
If you’re not dripping sweat, is it exercise?
Motivation and InspirationI was chatting with a client the other day ago about our Roll,Release and Relax class and he said, ” I like it, but it wasn’t much of a workout.” I went on to explain that Roll, Release and Relax was not meant to be a workout, it was meant to be a self care […]