Shuva is back teaching a Wednesday night small group Yoga session and we’ve created a new name for this session!  We love this name because we think it embodies what Shuva and all of our teachers are so passionate about…making movement accessible, fun and beneficial to your life no matter where you are in your […]

March Matness started back in 2013 when Pilates teacher Benjamin Degenhardt decided to create kind of a March Madness for Pilates enthusiasts.. He posted a picture each day of March with one of the 34 original Pilates Mat exercises bringing awareness to the exercises, the Pilates Method and to the people who love to practice Pilates. […]

Every March the Pilates Community celebrates March MATness! It’s a whole month dedicated to celebrating the Pilates Mat exercises that Joseph Pilates created.  Each day of the month is dedicated to an exercise in the traditional Pilates Mat exercise repetoire. What can you expect from Pilates? We each have our own distinctive body shape, size […]