Really it’s Osteoporosis Awareness month…but I thought Strong Bones Awareness Month sounded more fun…what do you think?   Do you or someone you know have an osteoporosis or osteopenia diagnosis?  I often get asked about recommendations for those who have been diagnosed and I like to keep it simple and recommend these 3 things when it […]

If you are 50 or older I’m guesing you’ve found yourself thinking…oh, I should really work on my balance.  As we get older our balance can decline especially if we are not actively working on it.  Being able to balance is key to just navigating life and avoiding falls that could lead to injury. We are […]

Carey Sadler demonstrating a tower exercise

New Monday 11 am Pilates small group equipment session with Shiho! Ready to create a regular Pilates practice in your life?  Need the accountability of coming to the studio?    Shiho is now offering small group Pilates Tower sessions Monday’s at 11 am, Wednesdays at 9 am and Thursdays at 5:30 pm.  The Pilates tower […]